Namaste! I am Subah
Are you tired of PCOD? Have you searched the whole internet trying to find a solution for it?
If that’s true, then you’ve come to the right place
In this video, you’ll learn how to get rid of your PCOD forever in just 3 months
In the first part of this video, you’ll understand the root cause of PCOD
In the second part of this video, you’ll learn a 5-step PCOD reversal plan,
following which your periods will become regular automatically
So please watch this video till the end
It’s hard to believe that PCOD can be eliminated, right? I didn’t believe it either
I was only 13 years old when they detected 6 huge cysts in my ovaries
For 6 months, I wouldn’t get normal periods, half the hair on my head were gone,
my weight kept on increasing no matter how much I exercised
I had tried every gynaecologist, every dermatologist, every medication, but the disease kept growing
But then I found a path that allowed me to reverse my PCOD forever without any medication in just 3 months
All the steps that I followed, I will be sharing with you in this video
If you watch this video till the end, you’ll find all the answers you are looking for
How to reduce your hairfall, how to get rid of facial hair, how to conceive easily, everything will be answered
So please do watch this video till the end
But first we must find out where this disease came from. If you ask your grandmother today – what is PCOD?
This is what she’ll tell you – “Oh! What new disease is this? I’ve never heard of it before”
Did you knowthe disease your grandmother had never heard of before is now affecting every 1 in 5 Indian women today?
Why is this disease becoming so common? What is its root cause?
It’s very important to understand this – when we eat food that does not come directly from Mother Nature,
packaged, bottled, snacks, biscuits, noodles, namkeen, chips, bread, ketchup, tea, coffee, tinned, boxed food
All these foods stick to the walls of our intestines like glue and create waste inside our bodies
From the inside, your intestines look something like this – there are thosands of finger-like projections called villi
These villi absorb anything that is stuck on the walls of your intestines
If there’s waste stuck on them, then they will absorb it and send it to your bloodstream
From there, this waste finds its way to the rest of your body
When this waste reaches your ovaries and takes the form of cysts, then we call it PCOD or PCOS
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
These cysts are just another name for this waste
Because of it, our ovaries are unable to function properly
Every month the egg fails to release, which leads to irregular periods
Not just this, when this same waste starts clogging your skin pores, then we start calling it pimples or acne
When the same waste accumulates in your body and makes it heavy, we start calling it excess weight or obesity
When the same waste makes your blood thick and heavy, and your blood can’t travel to your head properly,
and you start losing hair, then we call it hairfall
The truth is your PCOD wasn’t born in your ovaries, but in your stomach
If you truly want to get rid of PCOD, then you have to clean your body from the inside
The body which is clean from the inside can never suffer from PCOD, pimples, hairfall, excess weight,
or painful periods
It’s important to know who the biggest enemy of your PCOD is. Maybe this enemy is sitting inside your home right now
It is birth control pills
It is the same medicine often prescribed to PCOD patients to be taken daily for 21 days
Forget solving the problem, the problem just keeps on increasing
Come let’s understand what these birth control pills do
In front of your screen, there are 2 videos playing – can you tell us the similarity between them?
One is showing us animal cruelty and the other is a birth control pill ad. How can they be similar?
But these videos have a similarity, a huge similarity
The hormones that are forcibly given to these cows and cattle to fatten them up,
exactly the same hormones are added to birth control pills
Think about it deeply – why are these hormones given to the cattle?
To increase their weight significantly so they can get more milk and meat from them
So when we take these hormones, what happens to us? Obviously, even our weight increases
And then we wonder why are we putting on so much weight?
Have we fallen to such a level today that what is forcibly given to cattle is what we buy and put inside our own body?
But what do we take if not medication?
In this video, we’ll be sharing 5 steps with you
Follow them religiously. In just 3 months, you will see that your periods have automatically become regular
They will happen without fail every month. Without going to the gym, you will lose excess weight, facial hair will go
hairfall will stop, the hair that you lost will grow back again, your skin will clear up and start glowing
You won’t realize when your periods came and when they stopped. You will forget what period pain is like
And you will never happen to spend lakhs of rupees on expensive treatments like IVF
So come, let’s move onto our 5-step PCOD reversal plan
Do you know Mother Nature has sent 5 powerful angels for you?
5 powerful healing angels who will help get rid of your PCOD forever
Come, let’s meet each angel one by one
First angel – Angel of Space. Space means emptiness
A healthy body must have empty space, which means an abundance of the space element
Empty space inside your intestines, blood vessels, between cells
But when our body becomes full of waste, the angel of space gets no room to live inside us
And so, it leaves our body. Remember, the more space you have inside your body, the faster you will erase your PCOD
How do we create the space element inside our body?
Through 16 hour fasting. Basically, this is a way of fasting that is easily adaptable for our modern lifestyles
What should you do? Every day, you must give a 16 hour break to your body
Don’t eat anything for 16 hours
If you have dinner at 7 pm, then have your breakfast only at 11 am the next day
If you have dinner at 6 pm, then have breakfast at 10 am the next day
Why? Because your body can do only one thing properly at a time – either digest your food or clean the waste inside
When we keep eating the whole day, then your body gets busy with digestion 24 hours a day
It doesn’t get any time to clean
But thanks to 16 hour fasting, your body gets some time to do its cleaning work
During 16 hour fasting, every corner of your body is cleansed
The ovaries in your cysts start dissolving, periods start becoming regular,
The waste inside starts coming out, blood starts becoming clean, skin starts getting clear and free of old spots
Let’s understand fasting with an example.
Imagine there’s a road which has cars running day and night
If you have to do any cleaning work in the middle of the road, then what do you have to do first? You have to stop the cars
It’s not possible to do the cleaning work while the cars are running
Ditto same happens inside your body
If you want to do deep cleaning inside your body, then you have to stop the cars – you have to stop the food
for a few hours every day. If we really want to get rid of PCOD, then we can’t do it without fasting
How to do 16 hour fasting? We have explained it in detail in our Detox video. We have shared the link for it below
If you want to take fasting to the next level, you can also do once a week fasting
You can pick any day of the week and have only coconut water or vegetable juices that day
If you find this difficult, the second option is to fast only on fruits
Just avoid having any grain meal or cooked food once a week
In winters, you can also do a soup fast. Have light soups the whole day
By fasting from time to time, waste that has accumulated inside for years starts leaving the body
You start getting empty space inside your body, and the angel of space gets room to live inside your body again
Come, let’s introduce you to the second angel of Mother Nature,
This angel is currently being taking in by you even while watching this video
This is the Angel of Air
What do you think? In this picture, which of these things are the most dangerous for your PCOD?
Alcohol, cigarette, donut, burger?
Yes, they are all really bad for you, but you already know it and already trying your best to limit them
It is something we use so often that we don’t even recognize how it is slowly killing our body
The real culprit is your chair
We’re living a lifestyle that simply jumps from one chair to another the whole day
from the bed, we sit on the toilet seat, then sit at the table for breakfast, then sit in our car to get to office
sit in the office chair while working the whole day while taking a break only to sit on the toilet seat again
or sitting and eating at the cafetaria
then we again sit in our cars to go back home, recline back into our sofas to watch TV, and go back to sleep again
If we don’t exercise in fresh air, don’t breathe deeply, don’t move our body, then the angel of air starts leaving our body
By sitting the whole day, our ovaries and reproductive organs get no movement at all. They start rotting inside your body
And slowly they stop functioning completely
To break free from this sitting disease, you must take out at least 40 mins a day for exercise
The best exercise for PCOD is jogging
Because it brings movement to your ovaries. They twist and turn, and the toxins stuck inside start getting eliminated
If you can’t jog, start walking instead, and add 5 mins of jogging to it. And slowly, increase it to 15 mins of jogging
Or you can do any of your favourite exercise – dance, yoga, jumping, cycling – whatever you love
Just remember one thing – always breathe deeply when you exercise so that the angel of air can enter your body
Instead of gyms and closed spaces, exercise in open air in sunlight
and wear thin cotton clothes while exercising. By doing this, you will automatically get the benefit of sunbathing as well
Apart from that one hour exercise,
the more exercise you incorporate throughout the day, the faster you will get rid of your PCOD
If you have to choose between taking the lift or taking the stairs, take the stairs. Where you can go walking, go walking
Whenever you get a call, get out of your chair and take a walk while talking on the phone
While working, get out of your chair and take 5 min breaks to do jumping jacks or squats
One more thing – if you have any tight fitting undergarments or pants, throw them away right now
Because they put a lot of pressure on your reproductive organs.
If your clothes leave a mark on your skin when you remove them, then understand that they are really tight for your body
and were disturbing the functioning of your organs inside the body
So in summary, to get this angel of air, you must exercise in fresh air for at least 40 mins every day
and avoid sitting as much as your can
Come, let’s meet our next angel. Can you guess who is this angel?
This angel knocks on your door every day
This is the Angel of Sunlight
Now think about how our ancestors had such a deep connection with the Sun
How much time they spent in the light of the sun
And we spend months inside our closed rooms without any sunlight touching our skin. Disease will surely come to us
Because Mother Nature has not designed our body to live without sunlight
So how should we take sunlight? By sunbathing. Simply lie down under the light of the sun for 20 mins every day
When should you do it? In the morning or evening, not during the harsh afternoon sun.
You can sunbathe 2 hours after sunrise
Remember – you need the light of the sun, not the heat of the sun
You can do it in the afternoon sun only in the winters because the light of the sun is not that harsh
How long should you do it for? Approximately 20 mins
For 10 minutes, expose the front part of your body to sunlight
And for the next 10 minutes, expose the back part of your body to sunlight
What should you wear? Minimal clothing. If you want to wear them, then wear thin white cotton clothes
It’s best to not wear any clothes at all
If it’s even a little warm outside, you can cover your head with a thin white cotton cloth
If possible, expose your private parts to sunlight as well. This will help you get even more benefits of sunlight
While sunbathing, you can do any other work – reading a book, studying, listening to a podcast,
Now you may be thinking – but I don’t have any private space in my home, how will I do sunbathing?
If not at home, you can surely find a park outside. You can wear thin cotton clothes and go there for sunbathing
If this isn’t possible, you can simply do a walking sun bath, or you can exercise in sunlight
Apart from this, keep your windows open as much as possible so that the angel of sunlight can enter your home
Have your breakfast in the light of the sun
We have to re-establish our relationship with the Sun
And yes, always express your gratitude to the Sun while sunbathing
for sending this angel in your life
If there was no sunlight, could you imagine how our life would be?
Come, let’s meet our next angel – and that is the Angel of Water
Angel of Water has brought 2 gifts for us – the first gift is Enema
As we understood earlier, PCOD is born in our intestines
Until we don’t clean our intestines, we can’t get rid of our PCOD
Enema is a technique that involves holding water in your intestines for at least 5-7 mins
And slowly, slowly, this water starts pulling out all the old waste stuck inside
The when you finally go to the bathroom to relieve yourself, you can see all this waste coming out of your body
If we don’t remove this waste, then it will eventually reach our ovaries and form cysts
How exactly should you do it? When should you do it? Where to buy it from?
We have shared this in detail in our Detox video
Don’t worry. Enema is absolutely safe and pain-free. You can do it in the comfort of your home in just 10 mins
When you start following this plan, you only have to take enema for the first 21 days.
And after that, you should do it once a week or only when you need it
Angel of water has another gift for us – and that is Wet Pack
Basically, you need to take a cotton cloth, dip it in cold water and wrap it around your abdomen, neck and forehead
You need to wear it for approximately 30 mins
What happens when you apply a wet pack?
By applying it, you are creating two different temperatures in your body
The parts where you have applied the wet pack become cold, while the rest of the body is warm
When you maintain two temperatures simultaneously, the blood circulation in your body increases
Along with our blood, the waste also starts circulating and gets ready to be eliminated from your body
You should apply wet pack everyday for the first 3 months of starting this plan
once in the morning and once in the evening
After 3 months, you don’t need to apply it every day. You apply it only when you need it
So please watch our Detox video as soon as this video ends
It’s a 20 min video, which includes an in-depth explanation of all these steps – 16 hours fasting, enema, wet pack
It’s very important to understand and follow these processes correctly
Come, you can clean your body with the help of the Angel of Space, Air, Fire, and Water very well
But along with this, you must also ensure that you don’t pollute it again
For this purpose, Mother Nature has sent you the Angel of Earth
which has brought the gift of Satvic food for you. What is Satvic food?
Our Vedas have given 4 principles to identify Satvic foods – in shortform, we call them LWPW.
L means living food. Eat food that has life in it, such as vegetables, fruits, sprouts, grains.
Dead food that is packaged, bottled, and boxed pollutes your body,
creates cysts in your ovaries and upsets your menstrual cycles
W means wholesome. Eat food in the form Mother Nature gives it to us
White rice, wheat without the bran, white sugar, refined flour, sooji, these are all refined foods
Instead of this, eat brown rice, wheat with the bran, dates and jaggery
P means plant-based. We should avoid all food that comes from animals – meat, fish, eggs, milk or any milk products
Eat that which comes directly from plants
Every glass of milk contains a lot of hormones from the cow that go inside your body and upset your hormonal balance
Instead of this, have coconut milk. It is extremely nutritious and absolutely safe
W means water-rich. That means we should eat food that is juicy as much as possible, food that is water-rich.
Try juicing a cucumber and see how much juice you can get from it
Do you think you can ever get any juice by juicing a bread? No! Because it has no juice at all
Any food that fulfills all 4 principles means that it comes directly from Mother Nature
It has been cooked by the light of the Sun God, raised by the Wind God,
it has been packed with many vitamins and minerals by Mother Nature
Don’t worry! This food is not boring at all!
We have created a Satvic Food Book for you,
which includes everything from kulfi to cheesecake, tasty salads to ice-creams
We have shared Satvic versions of all your favourite recipes
Come, let’s discuss your new diet plan to get rid of PCOD
In the morning, start your day with fresh vegetable juice. The best is ash gourd juice
For breakfast, you can have a plate full of your favourite fruit. It is best to eat one fruit at a time
For lunch, you can have your grain meal, but remember – have less grain and more vegetables
For dinner, you can have soup or salad. If you want, you can also switch your lunch and dinner
We have explained this plan in a lot more detail in this video – One diet to cure every disease
So please watch these 2 videos as soon as you finish this video
You will get a lot of clarity. Many of you ask us this question – will I be able to conceive easily in the future?
Imagine a tree – if it doesn’t get all the 5 elements of Mother Nature – earth, water, fire, air, and space,
then it will start shriveling up, drying, its branches will stiffen up
In this state, will it be able to bear fruit? No!
Because the lack of the 5 elements of Mother Nature has made it lose its fertility
That’s exactly what happens inside our body
It takes a few days for the plant to lose its fertility, and a few years for our body to lose its fertility
Whenever we don’t get the 5 elements of Mother Nature, our body starts shriveling up from inside,
starts drying out. In this state, how can it bear fruit, give life to a new being?
When give our body access to the 5 elements of Mother Nature, then it will become fertile again
It will recover its ability to give life again
Going ahead, you will be able to conceive easily without spending any money on expensive fertility treatment
And you know what the best part is? When your health is so good, then the health of your child will automatically be great
How to get these 5 elements?
In the morning, freshen up first and then do your exercise in the fresh open air and take the blessing of the Wind God
End your morning exercise with 20 mins of sunbathing and take the blessing of the Sun God
Then apply your wet pack followed by using the enema
Through these 2 therapies, the water element is able to do some deep cleansing work in your body
Follow the daily diet plan you have been given religiously. The food should come directly from Mother Nature
Then you will get the Earth element too. Most importantly, 16 hours fasting should be a part of your daily lifestyle,
so that the Space element can always live inside you
After following this for just 3 months, you will see how your PCOD has been fully reversed –
you will get periods on time every month, period pain will be history,
and every symptom of PCOD will start fading away from your body
To make this lifestyle practical, here are a few bonus tips for you
If your food routine ever goes off course, and you can’t follow the food plan you have been given,
then you can fast the next day
You can have juice, soup, or some light fruit the whole day
If you missed exercise one day, then you can do yoga in your room for half an hour
We have uploaded many yoga videos on our channel, which you can follow
If you’re feeling too lazy to prepare a Satvic meal, no problem
You can simply cut and eat some fruits, and your Satvic meal is ready for those lazy times
If you’re wondering whether your family will understand what you’re doing or not,
look – maybe they won’t understand your decision in the beginning
But the best thing to do is to surprise them – our Satvic Food Book has over 50 tasty recipes to pick from
Just prepare any dish for them
and don’t let them know that you’ve prepared it without any chemicals, spices, masalas, and refined oil
Just let them taste it once, and they will be shocked and ask you how they can embrace the Satvic lifestyle with you
Come, let’s discuss some important questions that are still on your mind
First question – what is the cure for my hairfall?
Hairfall happens when our blood becomes polluted with toxins,
which makes it thick and heavy and prevents it from reaching our head
When the blood circulation stops here, then we start losing hair
When we start following the steps given above, our blood will automatically get cleaned
When it gets cleaned, it will become lighter and will be able to circulate more easily
Hairfall will automatically stop. The hair you’ve lost will grow back again
The shampoos you use must be as natural and chemical-free as possible.
When you buy shampoos, buy only paraben-free and sulphate-free shampoos
Paraben and Sulphate are chemicals that are added by almost every company to extend their shelf life
And these chemicals steal both the life and shine from your hair
Next question – what do I do about my facial hair?
When your body is clean from inside, then the hormonal balance will automatically be right
Male hormones will decrease, and slowly, your facial hair growth will go down
Until then, you can use some natural scrubs
like rubbing a paste made with gram flour and water on your face 3-4 times a week
Just give it some time
Laser hair removal is not natural and create a lot of problems going ahead
Last question – can I stop all my medication?
When you start following this lifestyle, there won’t be any need for medication anymore
Living a medicine-free life is our goal. But before doing this, please consult with your doctor
So do watch these 2 videos right after watching this video
so that you can get full clarity about enema, wet pack, 16 hour fasting, and food plan
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and share it with all your friends and family members who are suffering from PCOD today